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Conquer Stress with Innovative Poultry Feed Supplements: A Safer Option for Your Flock

Conquer Stress with Innovative Poultry Feed Supplements: A Safer Option for Your Flock

Conquer Stress with Innovative Poultry Feed Supplements: A Safer Option for Your Flock


As a farmer or poultry producer, supplying your feathered friends with the best quality feed is often an issue. Much like us humans, birds have unique reactions to modifications in their environment and lifestyle, making stress a true danger to their wellbeing. Even though it may seem absurd at first thought, extreme levels of distress among chickens, turkeys, or ducks can lead to serious health issues and even death!


Common causes of poultry stress:


Poor nutrition


Egg production

Poor management



Temperature fluctuations

 Using Nutrient-Rich Poultry Feed to Fight Stress



There are five primary sources of stress that may affect a flock:







Under pressure, a bird's body will exhaust its nutrient stores in order to achieve equilibrium and preserve health. This leads to an incredibly malnourished flock that can suffer from weight loss, poor egg output, decreased immunity, feather damage, and so forth—ultimately causing farmers to face a drastic rise in feed conversion rates.

Overcoming stress for your flock is achievable by providing them with nutritionally-rich poultry feed, thereby enabling the birds to recover their vigor and reverse the effects of tension. The most successful approach to achieving this goal is using high-grade additives and supplements that are added to their diet.


Maximizing Poultry Feed Nutritional Value

To promote optimal health in poultry, there are five primary nutritional supplements that should be incorporated into the diet: proteins and amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and probiotics. By breaking down these three main categories of dietary additives further, it becomes apparent why they are so essential for maintaining a balanced nutrition plan for chickens. To enhance or maximize the nutritional value of the poultry feed supplements help in several ways. Some of those are Ecare Se, Himalaya Him, Brotone, and many others.  



Keeping a healthy balance of electrolytes in the body's tissues helps to prevent dehydration and maintain overall health.




Amino acids

Not only is this a great way to reduce dietary protein levels and supplement essential amino acids such as lysine, but it's also an excellent solution for helping alleviate heat stress.



Enhance your overall health and immune system strength with Vitamins A, E, C, and B! These vitamins are essential components for promoting optimal performance.



When chickens experience high levels of heat stress, they excrete unusually large quantities of minerals. To maintain healthy functioning in the body, these mineral levels must be replenished through supplementation.


Probiotics and fermentation products

By promoting a variety of microflora and reviving the microbial equilibrium in the gut, this method can obstruct bacterial illnesses.

 Incorporating the ideal mix of poultry feed additives and supplements will ensure that your flock is healthy, productive, and meets maximum levels.


Maximizing Production and Flock Value with a Non-Medicated Solution

In order to effectively counter the consequences of poultry stress, using non-medicated supplements is key. Pollstress Dry is a remarkable anti-stress solution that aids flocks in resisting and eliminating tension while maintaining optimum health.


Benefits of anti-stress supplements:

Beat backs stress caused by numerous triggers, such as heat, overcrowding, illness, commutes, vaccinations, and diet modifications -all of which can be incredibly stressful!

Enhance nutrient digestion and absorption with a single supplement.

Boosts feed consumption, weight gain, and food conversion ratio for maximum results.

Quickly restore healthy gut microflora after antibiotic and chemotherapy treatments with this powerful accelerant.

 When your flock experiences distress, it can trigger symptoms that are difficult to counteract and recover from. Enhancing the nutritional superiority of poultry feed with minerals, vitamins, and amino acids are vital for preserving a strong and beneficial flock.