Fraud Blocker Digyton Plus 100ml – Sukadev Animal Care

Digyton Plus 100ml

Rs. 179.00 Regular price Rs. 210.00

Himalaya Pets– Digyton PLUS is a herbal mineral formulation that works to stimulate the appetite and reduce attacks of common gastrointestinal complaints

Ideal for diarrhoea, colic distention, flatulence, constipation, cramps, and other GI upsets

As a daily health supplement, Digyton PLUS is a digestive tonic and normaliser Ideal for puppies during weaning to help promote healthy growth

Digyton PLUS address digestive issues in dogs and cats, puppies and kittens

Facilitates digestion

Digyton PLUS stimulates the secretion of enzymes in the stomach, which aids the digestion of food. It also possesses antibacterial, anti-spasmodic and bowel regulating properties that help in controlling gastric infections associated with stomach disorders in adult dogs.


  • Indigestion and colic
  • Constipation
  • Supportive in gastritis
  • Supportive in irritable bowel syndrome
  • Irregular bowel movement

The herbomineral formulation can be used as a daily tonic to promote good digestion, to tone the digestive tract and ensure absorption of nutrients. It is an effective appetite stimulator and digestive normaliser

As a treatment for common gastrointestinal conditions, Digyton’s bowel regulating properties can reduce repeated bouts of diarrhoea, flatulence and cramping

Reduces dyspepsia (indigestion) and reflux and may help reduce pain and spasms

The key enzymes that are secreted with Digyton PLUS assist’s in digestion of starches, proteins and fats – amylolytic, proteolytic and lypolitic enzymes



The formulation of Digyton PLUS contains the gentle herb tonic known as Triphala, which is a combination of Amalaki (Embilica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). This combination of plant and flower ingredients promotes healthy absorption and assimilation of nutrients, bolsters the gastrointestinal tract and keeps the body feeling properly nourished and balanced.

Clinical trials with puppies have shown exceptional benefits during weaning and when changing diets during a critical time in a pup’s growth and development.


Directions for Use:

Dogs (Small breeds): 5ml twice daily

Dogs (Large breeds): 10ml twice daily

Cats: 2.5 ml twice daily