Fraud Blocker Liv52 Pet Liquid 30ml – Sukadev Animal Care

Liv52 Pet Liquid 30ml

Rs. 70.00

Liver is one of the most vital parts of the body. Himalaya has brought Liv. 52, which is a health supplement created to support the functioning of liver in your pet dog/cat. Made from natural herbs, Liv. 52 helps to stimulate appetite and protects the liver from the ill-effects of toxins, drugs and chemicals. It also helps to restore the health of a damaged liver by promoting the regeneration of liver cells. Production of protein in liver cells also gets a boost.

Key Features:

  • Work as an appetite stimulant
  • Protect the liver from chemical toxin and drugs
  • Helps in protein building in liver cell


Dogs : Small Breed :- 5-8ml twice daily

            Large Breed :- 10-15ml twice daily 

Cats : 3-5ml twice daily