Fraud Blocker Vetina Canworm Suspension - Dewormer for Dogs, cats & Rabbits – Sukadev Animal Care

Vetina Canworm Suspension - Dewormer for Dogs, cats & Rabbits

Rs. 119.00 Regular price Rs. 130.00
by Vetina
Type: Antibiotics
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Fenbendazole is a broad spectrum benzimidazole anthelmintic used against gastrointestinal parasites including: giardiaroundwormshookwormswhipworms, the tapeworm genus Taenia (but not effective against Dipylidium caninum, a common dog tapeworm)  Pinworms .This  drug can be administered to dogscats and  rabbits.


Each ml contains

Fenbendazole   100 mg


Canworm has wide safety margin and can be used effectively against worm infestation in un weaned puppies, kittens, pregnant and nursing animals


Tapeworm, Hookworm, Whipworm, Roundworm.


Adult Dogs – 1 ml kg body weight orally

Puppies –    0.5 ml kg body weight daily for 3 consecutive days

Pregnant bitches: 1 ml per 4 kg body weight daily from day 40 of Pregnancy continuously to 2 days’ post whelping (app. 25 days)

Cats, Pregnant cats: 1 ml per kg body weight as single dose

Kittens (under 6 months of age): 0.5 ml per kg body weight daily for 3 consecutive days

Presentation:  30 ml bottle